38 tordon 22k sds
TORDON™ 22K Herbicide - Corteva Canada SAFETY DATA SHEET TORDON™ 22K Herbicide Version 1.0 Revision Date: 03/09/2022 SDS Number: 800080003197 Date of last issue: - Date of first issue: 03/09/2022 3 / 18 which cannot be decontaminated should be disposed of properly. In case of eye contact : Hold eyes open and rinse slowly and gently with water for 15-20 minutes. Material Safety Data Sheet - Klamath County, OR TORDON* 22K Herbicide. COMPANY IDENTIFICATION. Dow AgroSciences LLC. A Subsidiary of The Dow Chemical Company. 9330 Zionsville Road.
Toxicity of Herbicides Tordon 22k - Precious Prairie Plants Tordon 22K. What the manufacturer website say about this product. -This is the only tool for effective control of deep-rooted perennials such as Leafy Spurge and Toadflax. -Residual. It provides control for an extended time between treatments. -It may take 5 years for it to be deactivated in the soil.

Tordon 22k sds
Tordon® 22K Specialty Herbicide | FBN Tordon® 22K Specialty Herbicide. Product label. Unavailable. Group 4 Herbicide. Active Ingredient. Picloram, potassium salt (2 lbs/gal) Add to Cart. Free Shipping over $5,000. 0% Financing**. PDF 1. Product and Company Identification - Amazon Web Services Product Name: TORDON* 22K Herbicide Issue Date: 05/29/2012 Page 2 of 9 Skin Sensitization: Has caused allergic skin reactions when tested in guinea pigs. Inhalation: No adverse effects are anticipated from single exposure to mist. Based on the available data, narcotic effects were not observed. Based on the available data, respiratory irritation was not Tordon 22K - Dow AgroSciences herbicide - agrobaseapp.com Use Tordon 22K herbicide to control noxious, invasive, or other broadleaf weeds and listed woody plants and vines on rangeland and permanent grass pastures, fallow cropland, Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) acres, non-crop areas including forest planting sites, industrial manufacturing sites, rights-of-way such as electrical power lines, …
Tordon 22k sds. Tordon® 22K Herbicide — Pasture Management - Corteva Tordon 22K is active on most noxious and invasive weeds, including biennial thistles, perennial Canada thistle, knapweeds, yellow starthistle and many others. Tordon 22K is the best leafy spurge control available and is an excellent choice for field bindweed. Take out tough weeds, leave the grass SAFETY DATA SHEET - Greenbook.net Jun 3, 2015 ... Product name: TORDON™ RTU Herbicide ... DOW AGROSCIENCES LLC encourages and expects you to read and understand the entire (M)SDS,. TORDON 22K Herbicide MSDS Download MSDS Details. Product Name: TORDON 22K Herbicide Product Code: Language: English Regulation: CHIP, 67/548/EEC Manufacturer: Dow AgroSciences Limited PDF SAFETY DATA SHEET - Amazon Web Services SAFETY DATA SHEET DOW AGROSCIENCES LLC Product name: TORDON ™ 22K Herbicide Issue Date: 05/14/2015 Print Date: 06/09/2015 DOW AGROSCIENCES LLC encourages and expects you to read and understand the entire (M)SDS, as there is important information throughout the document. We expect you to follow the precautions
Tordon® 22K Herbicide — Pasture Management - Corteva Tordon ® 22K Herbicide Print Product Details All-purpose noxious weed control Tordon ® 22K herbicide provides all-purpose noxious weed control as well as basic invasive weed management. It also provides the best leafy spurge control available and is an excellent choice for field bindweed control. Find supplemental labels for this product TORDON™ 22K Herbicide MSDS | Material Safety Data Sheet Oct 10, 2017 ... TORDON™ 22K Herbicide MSDS | The new SDS required by OSHA are being added daily to check for a newer version of a safety data sheet search ... Specimen Label - SDS - Rentokil Initial Use Tordon® 22K herbicide to control noxious, invasive, or other broadleaf weeds and listed woody plants and vines on rangeland and permanent. Product Information | LabelSDS Canada Tordon 22K French Label 1-4-21.pdf Canada Tordon 22K Label 11-28-22.pdf Canada Tordon 22K Fr Label 11-28-22.pdf Canada Tordon 22K Label 1-4-21.pdf Canada Tordon 22K Eng-Fr Label 11-28-22.pdf Current SDS
Tordon® 22K Herbicide — Pasture Management - Corteva All-purpose noxious weed control Tordon ® 22K herbicide provides all-purpose noxious weed control as well as basic invasive weed management. It also provides the best leafy spurge control available and is an excellent choice for field bindweed control. Find supplemental labels for this product Download Product Label Download Safety Data Sheet PDF MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET - DoMyOwn.com MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET TORDON* RTU HERBICIDE Emergency Phone: 800-992-5994 Dow AgroSciences LLC Indianapolis, IN 46268 Effective Date: 4/15/04 Product Code: 87244 Tordon 22K Herbicide | Corteva Agriscience Tordon 22K is the only tool for effective control of deep-rooted perennials such as Leafy Spurge and Toadflax. Why use Tordon 22K? Extended control Provides soil activity and translocation through root systems providing extended timelines between treatments. Easy to use Packaged in convenient 2x10L jugs. Registrations Trooper 22K | Nufarm Americas Inc. | Agworld DBX | Greenbook Trooper 22K Nufarm Americas Inc. Labels. Label SDS. Snapshot ID: 47279 Active ingredients Picloram Potassium Salt Classification. O. Herbicide. WSSA mode of action 4 Action like indole acetic acid (synthetic auxins) Registration EPA: 228-535. Pests
Herbicide Tordon 22K fiche signalétique - LabelSDS Nom du produit: TORDON™ 22K Herbicide. Date de création: 04/27/2017. DOW AGROSCIENCES CANADA INC. vous encourage à lire cette fiche signalétique en entier ...
PDF Product Bulletin Mix Tordon 22K at 1 to 10 % v/v alone or with other herbicides in a commercially available basal diluent (or other oils or basal diluents as recommended by the manufacturer); the basal oil should be compatible with a water soluble herbicide such as Tordon 22K. Spray the basal parts of brush and tree trunks to a height of 12 to
Tordon 22K Specialty Herbicide, Corteva | Forestry Distributing North ... Quick overview Tordon 22K Specialty Herbicide provides all-purpose noxious weed control as well as basic invasive weed management. It also provides the best leafy spurge control available and is an excellent choice for field bindweed control. Restricted Use: Yes Active Ingredients: Picloram 24.4% Herbicide Mode of Action: 4 EPA Signal Word: CAUTION / PRECAUCION
PDF MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET TORDON 22K Page 1 of 4 - Twistfix MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET TORDON 22K Page 4 of 4 Dietary LC50 for bobwhite quail is > 10 mg/kg of diet Other Information: Active ingredient: Material is practically non-toxic to bees on an acute basis. _____ 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Do not contaminate ponds, waterways or ditches with chemical or used container. Wash out thoroughly ...
PDF SAFETY DATA SHEET - labelsds.com SAFETY DATA SHEET Tordon® 22K Version 1.1 Revision Date: 05/23/2022 SDS Number: 800080003197 Date of last issue: 03/09/2022 Date of first issue: 03/09/2022 5 / 21 For large spills, provide dyking or other appropriate contain-ment to keep material from spreading. If dyked material can be pumped,
Tordon 22K | Corteva Agriscience | Agworld DBX | Greenbook Tordon 22K Corteva Agriscience (515) 535-3200; 974 Centre Road, US-DE, Wilmington, 19805; Website . Labels. Label SDS. Snapshot ID: 8257 Active ingredients Picloram Potassium Salt Classification. O. Herbicide. WSSA mode of action 4 Action like indole acetic acid (synthetic auxins) Registration EPA: 62719-006.
MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET - aghost.net MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET TORDON* 22K HERBICIDE Emergency Phone: 800-992-5994 Dow AgroSciences LLC Indianapolis, IN 46268 Effective Date: 5/29/02
Tordon 22K Herbicide with 24.4% Picloram, Gallon (RUP) Tordon 22K is an excellent choice for most invasive weeds as it provides soil residual for lasting perennial weed control. Tordon 22K translocates for more complete control of top growth and roots. Tordon 22K is safe to desirable grasses while it reduces encroaching brush. There are no grazing restrictions except for lactating dairy animals
PDF Tordon 22K - Home — Beyond Pesticides of Tordon 22K per annual growing season or apply more than 2 quarts per acre per annual growing season as a spot application. To reduce potential damage to subsequent small grain crops, use the lower rate or discontinue the use of Tordon 22K at least 2 years prior to the seeding of small grain crops.
PDF SAFETY DATA SHEET - Agsurf SAFETY DATA SHEET DOW AGROSCIENCES CANADA INC. Product name: TORDON™ 22K Herbicide Issue Date: 04/27/2017 . DOW AGROSCIENCES CANADA INC. encourages and expects you to read and understand the entire (M)SDS, as there is important information throughout the document. We expect you to follow
TORDON™ 22K Herbicide MSDS | MsdsDigital.com | Search our SDS online ... TORDON™ 22K Herbicide MSDS | MsdsDigital.com | Search our SDS online database free | Material Safety Data Sheet TORDON™ 22K Herbicide TORDON™ 22K Herbicide MSDS Special Notice: Our database is made up of both MSDS and SDS. Carefully review the (M)SDS below to see if it's the version you're looking for.
PDF SAFETY DATA SHEET - Nelson Tree Service SAFETY DATA SHEET DOW AGROSCIENCES LLC Product name: TORDON ™ 101 Herbicide Mixture Issue Date: 05/04/2015 Print Date: 05/07/2015 DOW AGROSCIENCES LLC encourages and expects you to read and understand the entire (M)SDS, as there is important information throughout the document. We expect you to follow the precautions
PDF U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, TORDON 22K SPECIALTY HERBICIDE, 03 ... MiA I Tordon 22K I Amend I 03-04-98 page 1 /1,/ [Base Label] RESTRICTED USE PESTICIDE May Injure (Phytotoxic) Susceptible, Non-Target Plants. For retail sale to and use only by Certified Applicators or persons under their direct supervision and only for those uses covered by the Certified Applicator's certification.
SAFETY DATA SHEET - Arborchem Product name: TORDON™ 22K Herbicide. Issue Date: 05/14/2015 ... DOW AGROSCIENCES LLC encourages and expects you to read and understand the entire (M)SDS,.
Tordon® 22K Specialty Herbicide MSDS | MsdsDigital.com | Search our SDS ... Tordon® 22K Specialty Herbicide MSDS . Special Notice: Our database is made up of both MSDS and SDS. Carefully review the (M)SDS below to see if it's the version you're looking for.
Tordon™ 22K | Crop Protection | Corteva Agriscience Tordon™ 22K Herbicide A residual, water soluble, systemic herbicide acting through the leaves, roots and cut surfaces, for the control of certain woody plants, as listed, in grazing, conservation areas and on non-crop land.
What is Tordon and What is It Used For? - Decorator Advice Tordon is a non-selective herbicide that is used for the control of nuisance broadleaves, woody shrubs and trees in non-crop sites, forestry and right of way control, and aquatic uses. It is a systemic, post application herbicide that inhibits the biosynthesis of chlorophyll in plant leaves. This causes the leaves to turn yellow or brown and ...
Tordon 22K herbicide provides all-purpose noxious weed control as well as basic invasive weed management. It also provides the best leafy spurge control ...
Labels for TORDON 22K SPECIALTY HERBICIDE (62719-6) | US EPA Labels for TORDON 22K SPECIALTY HERBICIDE (62719-6) You will need Adobe Reader to view some of the files on this page. See EPA's PDF page to learn more. Provided below is the information for the Product/Registration number selected. Labels Chemical Alt. Brand Name Inactive Alt. Brand Name Transfer History Site Pest Version: 2.4.2
Tordon 22K - Dow AgroSciences herbicide - agrobaseapp.com Use Tordon 22K herbicide to control noxious, invasive, or other broadleaf weeds and listed woody plants and vines on rangeland and permanent grass pastures, fallow cropland, Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) acres, non-crop areas including forest planting sites, industrial manufacturing sites, rights-of-way such as electrical power lines, …
PDF 1. Product and Company Identification - Amazon Web Services Product Name: TORDON* 22K Herbicide Issue Date: 05/29/2012 Page 2 of 9 Skin Sensitization: Has caused allergic skin reactions when tested in guinea pigs. Inhalation: No adverse effects are anticipated from single exposure to mist. Based on the available data, narcotic effects were not observed. Based on the available data, respiratory irritation was not
Tordon® 22K Specialty Herbicide | FBN Tordon® 22K Specialty Herbicide. Product label. Unavailable. Group 4 Herbicide. Active Ingredient. Picloram, potassium salt (2 lbs/gal) Add to Cart. Free Shipping over $5,000. 0% Financing**.
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